1 Calzone


500g pizza dough (see recipes)
2 cloves of garlic, lightly crushed
2 tablespoons olive oil
salt and red pepper flakes, to taste
200-250g broccoli, broccoli di rabe, or broccolini, or other similar green


Prepare the broccoli filling: Heat the garlic in a pan with the olive oil, salt and pepper flakes, until the garlic is golden; add the broccoli in large florets, stir for a few moments, then reduce the heat, add a tablespoon or two of water, cover, and cook over low heat for 5-10 minutes, adding a little more water if needed. Cool, drain, and cut up coarsely before using.

Press or roll out the dough into a large circle, or individual smaller circles, then place the broccoli in the centre.

Fold over, seal the edges, cut a few vents in the top, brush with olive oil, and bake for about 20 minutes in a 220°C-230°C oven until golden brown.