Recipes Suggested By Us

Chiacchere Napoletane – Crisp Fried Dough Biscuits

Recipe type: Sweet Dishes
Preparation Time
40 minutes
2 hours


300 g Italian type 00 flour
60 g sugar
2 eggs
zest of 1 lemon
pinch of salt
olive oil, as needed
peanut oil, as needed
icing sugar


Mix together all the ingredients very well, keep working the dough for at least 10 minutes, then let it rest for 2 hours, wrapped in cling film.

Roll out the pastry and cut into rough rectangles, indent the edges by making small cuts along the edges, and make two cuts in the centre.

Fry in hot oil until golden and crispy, drain well and once cold, sprinkle with icing sugar.


These fried biscuits, crisp and thin, bubbled and blistered from the heat, and then cloaked generously with shakes of icing sugar, are irresistible to grownups and children alike. Traditionally eaten around the time of Carnival just before the Christian Lenten period. These days they are enjoyed with a chocolate dipping sauce.