Recipes Suggested By Chefs

Gluten-Free Pizza Dough (Chef Recipe)

Recipe type: Pizza

Gluten-Free Pizza recipe suggested by Chef Andrei George – Amaranto, Rome

1 Pizza


700 ml water
1 kg gluten-free flour
10 g yeast
25 g salt
50 ml extra virgin olive oil


This dough is quite different in term of the flour used and the rising time. 700 ml of water and 1 kg of gluten free flour are kneaded for about 5 minutes with about 10 g of yeast and 25 g of salt. 50 ml of extra virgin olive oil is added to the mixture, which is kneaded for another 2 minutes and left to rest for 60 minutes in the refrigerator at +4°C. The dough is then removed from the refrigerator and divided into 6 loaves of 250 / 280 g each and the pizza based stretched uniformly. This pizza is cooked in the oven at 350°C for 2-3 minutes.