Recipes Suggested By Us

Gluten-Free Rainbow Pizza

Recipe type: Pizza
1 Pizza


1 loaf of gluten-free pizza dough (see recipes)
50 g stracciatella, mozzarella or for di latte cheese
30 g smoked salmon
2 red cherry tomatoes and 2 yellow baby tomatoes
1 radish, finely sliced
a few green and black olives
extra virgin olive oil, as needed
a few sprigs of parsley, to garnish


Stretch out the pizza dough on the working surface. Add a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and cook for 4-5 minutes. Remove from the oven and add raw the stracciatella, mozzarella or fior di latte (roughly chopped), the smoked salmon, the halved tomatoes, the sliced radishes and the olives. Serve garnished with a few fresh parsley leaves.