Recipes Suggested By Chefs


Recipe type: Pizza

Suggested by Chef Angelo Romano – Pizzeria Infermento, Naples

1 Pizza


1 loaf of pizza dough (see recipes)
extra virgin olive oil, as needed
4 bell peppers, washed, halved, deseeded, cut into strips and cooked gratin (with breadcrumbs)
1-2 tbsp breadcrumbs
salt, to taste
pepper, to taste
50 g fior di latte cheese, in pieces
a few stoned black olives
10 g parmesan, grated
a few fresh basil leaves, to garnish


Make a pepper cream (this will make enough for 4 pizzas): wash 4 bell peppers and burn them over a gas flame or in a frying pan until the skins blackens and can be removed or on a baking tray in the oven at 220°c for 20 minutes, then peel the skin off, cut into strips remove the seeds; then cook the peppers in extra virgin olive oil scattered with breadcrumbs in a frying pan over a medium-low heat for about 10 minutes. Blend them with a little extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper until a smooth cream. Set aside. Stretch out the pizza dough on the work surface. Add a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, spread the pepper cream, scatter the fior di latte and olives and cook in a wood-fired oven at a temperature of about 450° for 60-90 seconds or in a domestic oven at 225°C on the top rack for 10-15 minutes.Serve with a sprinkling of parmesan and a few fresh basil leaves.