Recipes Suggested By Us

Tomato-Topped Savoury Muffins With Ricotta & Carrots

Recipe type: Sweet Dishes
12 Muffins
Preparation Time
60 minutes


400 g carrots
3 eggs
100 ml whole fat milk
100 ml sunflower oil
80 g ricotta cheese (or paneer, mashed with a fork)
200 g Italian type 00 flour
10 g instant yeast
80 g Grana Padano DOP cheese to grate
black pepper, to taste
salt, to taste
12 cherry tomatoes


Wash and peel the carrots and grate. Prepare the muffin dough: whisk the eggs and milk in a bowl, drizzle in the sunflower oil and keep whisking until the mixture is completely smooth. Sieve the ricotta or paneer cheese, sieve the flour with the yeast added and mix them into to mixture and mix all the ingredients until smooth. Add some grated Grana Padano cheese and season with salt. Add the grated carrot to the muffin mixture and mix well with a spatula so that they are well-distributed, then put the mixture in a pastry bag.

Put 12 paper muffin liner cases in a muffin tin. Pipe in the muffin mixture filling the cases until the top and topping each muffin with a cherry tomato. Bake in a preheated conventional oven at 180°C for about 30 minutes, until the muffins have risen and the top is golden. Enjoy these tomato-topped savoury muffins with ricotta and carrots warm or cold.


Why are muffins so popular all the world over? Perhaps because they are small, little loafs of bread or cake. So easy to eat, and perfect to inspire your creativity, whether for sweet or savoury muffins. They are also a great way to include lots of vegetables in a snack, such as grated carrots.